The next Queen of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ms Marvel is coming to Disney+ in 2022. Played by actress Iman Vellani, Kamala Khan, aka Ms Marvel has immense powers, given to her by the Kree. Ms. Marvel's primary power is "morphogenetics", meaning she can manipulate her molecules in order to stretch, change, or disguise herself. She can shrink and enlarge herself like Ant-Man, stretch her limbs like Mr. Fantastic, and heal her body rapidly like Wolverine. Become her today in this superhero suit!
- Digitally printed long sleeve top with trademark symbol on front and foam-backed high collar
- Digitally printed pants with elastic at waist and printed design at knees
- Foam backed eye mask with eyes cut out to see through and Velcro tabs at rear
- Red fabric scarf. Shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Marvel product
Size(s) 9-10 YRS, 7-8 YRS, 5-6 YRS
SKU | 5073 |
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